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Участник [ReZonanS] №27047
Дата регистрации 2006-11-06 16:16:28
Email mav3r1ck@mail.ru
ICQ 203207560
Страничка www.rezonans.od.ua
Где 1n 0d355a

I :) Trance !
You're Not Alone
Open Your Mind

In a way its a, a matter of time
I will not worry for you, You'll be just fine
Take my thoughts with you, and when you look behind
You will surely see a face that you recognize

You're not alone
Open your mind, Surely it's plain to see
You're not alone, I'll wait till the end of time
Open your mind, Baby theres time for me and you

You're not alone, I'll wait till the end of time
Open your mind, Surely it's plain to see

It is the distance
that makes life a little hard
two minds that once were close
now so many miles a part
I will not falter though
Ill hold on 'till your home
safely back where you belong
See how our love has grown

You're not alone, I'll wait till the end of time
Open your mind, Surely its plane to see
You're not alone, Ill wait 'till the end of time
Open your mind, baby theres time for me and you

You're not alone, ill wait till the end of time
Open your mind, Surely its plane to see

You're not alone
You're not alone
ill wait till the end of time

open your mind
surely there time to be with me

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  • 2006-03-08 18:47:09 Асоциации
  • Активность участника
  • Жизнь off-line (1)

  • Всего тем: 1575, ответов: 7867, пользователей: 1366.

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